Man, I am so far behind. I feel like so many things have or might have
happened, and I’ve got such a back log – mental constipation, if you will. It certainly wasn’t my intention to leave
TFAB this neglected for this long, but … well, honestly I don’t have any good
excuses. But here are some anyways:
A. My dog ate my homework.
B. I forgot how to read.
C. I’m lost in translation.
D. I was a dummy and thought if I waited
long enough, Ruthie might actually dust this thing off.
E. I’ve been too busy.
F. I’ve been too busy at work which is when
I have written several previous posts, and haven’t made the time to write
anything while at home.
For what it’s worth, I’m months behind in
uploading my photos to FB, too.
Unfortunately, those don’t require as many words or digging through my
memories to see what I thought about as it happened “Hey, I should write about
So, in attempt to force myself to get some
things down on paper, I’m making myself a list.
[Apparently I’m on a list kick.
I’ve made myself a few at work, and I even gave Ruthie a honey-do list
on Monday – much to her dismay, I’m sure.]
1. Update this blog again soon.
2. Update this blog again soon about one of
the following things:
α. The mental list I’ve been attempting
to build of Australian lingo and vocabulary.
β. Recap adventures with SueSue. The trip to the Whitsundays might need it’s
own post.
γ. Ramble on about the weather again [it
truly is a country in which you can talk about the weather].
δ. It’s official: I’m an international
goal scorer. Although it seems that the
days I score a goal we lose by quite a bit.
ε. Despite my best efforts I’ve been
informed I’m a bicyclist.
ζ. More derby.
3. Don’t let this blog wither and die [like
our poor dried up aloe plant].