Friday, January 20, 2012

A week of Beef part 1/2

I feel like times go by where there’s not really much to blog about, and then everything happens at once.  This then puts me behind, one because I have like three things to write about at once, and two because I’m a slacker, so I don’t write about things as they come up.

So with that, let’s catch up on last week.  Beef visited for a grand total of six days.  She arrived Sunday mid-day and left the following Saturday mid-day.  I had intended to take only three days off work to run around with her and Ruthie, but I quickly realized I was going to need the whole week to keep up with them.  [Which was fine by me, for the record.]  I had intended to do something similar to my Sydney trip with Lorraine and Ruthie and write a bit about what happened each day, but I was so wiped by the end of each day, all I did was come home and go to bed most times.

Sunday while Ruthie was picking up Beef at the airport, I was online with Greg and Squirrel playing games.  Ruthie took Beef around a bit to get a small bite at the Vic Market, and then they came home to nap.  Sunday night I had purchased us tickets for a roof top showing of Beetlejuice.  Dinner was in an Indian fusion tapas style restaurant the floor below the cinema, and the movie was enjoyed on a nice cool partly cloudy night with a pitcher of sangria.

Monday found us up at a fairly decent hour of the morning to hit the road and drive out along the Great Ocean Road to the Twelve Apostles.  Shortly after Ruthie and I got settled in, we took a day and drove part of the GOR, but not the whole thing.  Ruthie and Lorraine made the trip to the Twelve Apostles on another day, but this was my first time. 

Let me interrupt here for a moment and point out that on the first couple days of January, we were experiencing the kind of summer I had expected while being in Australia.  As I mentioned in a blog post or two ago, the high had gotten to 104 one day.  But now that it’s the 2nd week in Jan we were experiencing record lows – like highs of 65 for nearly the mid-point of summer.  Not to mention the clouds [one day had a total exposure of 3 hours] and rain [from rain to sun to rain to sun to rain to sun within an hour on the GOR, for example].  At least Beef got to experience true Melbourne weather.  Certainly not ideal since she likes to sit on the beach, but we still made the best out of it.

Right, so we make it out to the Twelve Apostles where the winds are so fierce and gusty you can barely hold your hands still long enough to get a good picture.  We fight through the tourists for a couple snaps before we head down to the beach.  With my little gorilla pod, we tried to get a few jumping pictures in front of one of “the apostles” aka rocks, but Ruthie and I totally failed on the timing every time.

I say “fight through the tourists” but really it was more of fight to not get pushed out of the way.  Two stories for this one.  Back in Apollo Bay at the memorial arch, we happened upon two bus loads of horribly mustached middle aged Indian men.  I was still at the car getting the Go Pro camera mounted to the car while Ruthie and Beef went up to the arch to get a picture.  While they were getting situated, one of them very rudely told them to get out of the way of his picture.  I didn’t see this one happen, but we mocked them regardless.

Then while at the Twelve Apostles, Ruthie was calmly enjoying the view leaning over the hand rail, with a couple tourists on her right and none on her left.  This time I happened to be standing right there and witnessed the whole thing.  The Asian tourist with her dSLR shoved her way in between Ruthie and the tourists on her right by means of putting her arms up and over Ruthie’s right shoulder.  Meanwhile the entire left side of Ruthie was wide open for someone to stand and posture for pictures.  Seriously rude people. 

Anyways, we returned from the GOR to get some Thai food from our local favourite and watched some Top Gear in our flat.  Then off to bed and up early for a trip back down to Torquay for our second ever first surfing lesson.  I feel like it’s safe to say that short of serious injury or death it might have been the worst time I’ve ever had in the ocean.  Something happened with the salt water and the sunscreen I was wearing and shortly after being in the ocean, I was finding it increasingly difficult to keep my eyes open for any length of time.  Even before that, while I’m a fan of short, concise instructions, our instructor gave us that and not much more.  A quick demo on how to get up on the board, and then we were off into the ocean.  [Oh, and it was raining a bit, but not that it mattered since we were in the ocean with wet suits – and the wet suits made a huge difference fighting what would be a brutal wind chill.] 

Our first first surf lesson was in Maui, where the waves were crystal blue, and consistently the same size and direction and speed throughout the entire lesson.  This time was nothing like that.  Proper waves [while not really big, mind you] with white water and I felt like there was a big difference in energy depletion due to the fact that we had to walk our boards out through the waves as opposed to ride/swim our boards out to where we’d catch them in Maui.  So after an hour and a half [out of two, total] I was pretty much done.  Ruthie was not too far behind me in throwing in the towel.  Meanwhile, Beef had managed to hop up and start surfing.  The upside to the whole thing was that there were only a few of us out there surfing, so it wasn’t really that crowded.  Plus, the conditions were right that if you could get up on the board, you could actually catch quite a few waves – which Beef seemed to do.

After that beating, we enjoyed some good food in Torquay and the made our way back to Melbourne.  Once we’d regrouped a bit from the morning’s activities and the drive back, we got ready to meet up with Ruthie’s local friends J&J for dinner – first time having Italian food since we’ve been here.


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