Because Ruthie wears her emotions on her sleeve much more than me [at least around me, she does], she's been preemptive-ly pining over the people and pets we're leaving behind. To each time she whines about missing Ponyo, or worries about getting terribly homesick, I respond with something along the lines of "Butch up".
Perhaps it's because I'm finally able to see the results of us moving and/or we are finally down to the wire [complete with all the last-minute insanity that implies], but it is finally time for me to take a dose of my own medicine.
Much to the pleasure of my mother, I'm actually going to miss my parents. And in all honesty, they're probably at the top of my list. I will also miss the cats, but not nearly as much as Ruthie will. And I will definitely miss my friends, but there are three events in particular I'm bummed I will not be able to be around for: one wedding and two births. Not that I'd actually be there witnessing the kids being born, but it would be nice to visit the newborns.
To that end, I gave my mom a lesson on Skype last night, and I know at least one father-to-be is all about Skype [they probably both are]. So thank goodness for technology. But still ... Skype can only do so much.
Oh, and if you happen to be reading this and want to connect on Skype, make sure to let me know.
One thing I absolutely will not miss: the job I'm leaving behind.
T-3 days until lift off.
We'll miss you guys, but look forward to seeing you on Skype!