Thursday, November 24, 2011

Time keeps on slipping, slipping

Right, so in my typical blogging fashion, I have fallen quite behind in updating TFAAB.  So, where do I start?

First, I’m at work, taking a break from crunching data [well, writing this at work, as I can't actually access Blogger here].  Work has been going pretty okay.  I like my coworkers enough to be social with them outside of work even.  On 11/11, I went on my first official pub crawl [organised through work], and even drug Ruthie along.  I killed two “first” birds with one stone and had our first attempt at the tram system that night, too.  Our journey worked out pretty good, with only one minor hiccup.  At our transition point, we got on the second tram in the wrong direction.  It’s my fault, as I was accustomed to DC’s system where the end point is what’s visible on the train, thus indicating which train to get on without solely relying on the direction in which it is pointing.  But a stop later, and we got re-situated.  Anyways, this was supposed to be a paragraph about work.  Whoops.  I kinda sorta made a big boo boo at work yesterday [although if you look at it in the right light, it’s a fault to be shared by two other people], and the good news is that they didn’t fire me. 

While I write this, Ruthie is texting me, telling me that her sewing class went well today and that she’s got a message to call the foster kitty place, so we might have a fuzzball soon.  Personally, I’m a bit mixed on the idea of having a kitty at our apartment, but Ruthie’s desperate for one.  So we’ll see what happens after she talks to them.

Well, back home it’s Thanksgiving.  However, as that’s not really an Australian holiday, I’m working.  The lucky bastards at the consulate get both Australian and US holidays, so they’re off.  This is important because it means the mail office is closed today and tomorrow.  And that is important because I’m desperate to get my copy of Halo Anniversary.  It was released/shipped on the 15th, and it hasn’t arrived yet.  I was hoping it would be here by yesterday, but I guess now I’ll have to wait until next Monday at the earliest.

Speaking of mail, my parents sent a care package full of yummy treats the other week.  It was a combined anniversary and birthday package.  Although, now that I think more about the contents of said package, it really might have been only yummy to Ruthie and me: Oreos, Fudge Rounds, Marshmallows, and canned tuna [specifically white albacore in water].  The copious amounts of fudge rounds have been great, except I think they have been the source for our [or at least my] particularly rancid farts the past week or so.  Not that I’m going to stop eating them. 

Anyways, Thanksgiving.  Since there’s no official celebration here, and turkeys are like $60 a breast [not really, but damned expensive], Ruthie and I are going to go out for Chinese food Christmas-Story-style.  Also, I think we’ve met a few Americans through derby that want to get together for some kind of Thanksgiving style dinner – but really it’s all because one lady bought canned pumpkin for pumpkin pie. 

Mmmm …. pumpkin pie ……

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