Thursday, March 7, 2013

General update

So Ruthie and I took a trip two weekends ago.  Tonight's pretty much the first night I've had a chance to sit down at a computer to catch up on some internetting, including posting to here.  Fortunately, while on the road, I typed as we went.  Unfortunately, I decided I would try to put some more layers to the blog posts - which require a bit more post processing if you will.

This inspiration dawned upon me after spending some time reading a friend's new blog, [and her hubby's].  I realised that I'd been reading plenty of other blogs with a bit of additional content other than words and the very random picture.  And then I decided it's about time to try and add that stuff to TFAAB.

So those entries are coming, hopefully starting tonight or tomorrow night.


In the mean time, a quick update on acupuncture.   We've now gone to three sessions.  Just like when the doctor asks, I find it hard to describe how things are going.  After each session, and generally for the day after, my legs feel incredibly tired.  The first session, I was worn out for two whole days; when my legs feel exhausted, I feel worn down - which is part of the reason I've gone in the first place.  Anyways, it's difficult to say if I feel any improvement that simple R&R wouldn't've done for me and my knee.

Ruthie, on the other hand, apparently wasn't telling the needle guy the right thing on the first session, and flinched really prematurely.  She's corrected this, but she more or less detests the actual needles and the twirling of them to ping the nerves.  And I think she's fairly convinced it's not helping.  Meanwhile, her physio has decided it's time for a more aggressive approach and has started her back on some activity - including a bit of skating last night.  When prompted, she doesn't really claim that her leg is feeling better; perhaps this is due to increased amounts of activity - or perhaps this is due to a really slow healing process.

Generally speaking, though, being injured sucks - especially when it's a lame injury that just won't heal. 


In other news, March 1 marked the first day of Autumn.  However, while last year it felt like the season changed with the flip of the calendar, this year, summer's holding on strong.  It's been in the mid 30s all week, and it seems to be staying that way.  Apparently February was the driest it's been since the middle of the drought season, and the weather now is very much like what Melbourne experienced during the ten-year drought.  While I'm not excited about drought prospects, I am kinda tickled by the fact that we're more or less experiencing two weather patterns in two different years in the same city.

As the weather currently is, blue skies and hot days, this is exactly the weather we naively thought Melbourne/Australia had every day all year.  Clearly we were wrong, but it's nice to know we're getting a good dose of it any ways.


Lastly, work has been an interesting world as of late.  Having to deal with not one, but two governments seems to have been unnecessarily tricky the past little bit.  First off, I've added a new term to my diction with this sequestration business in the US.  If the doomsday clock is not delayed with some sort of financial agreement in Congress, it is getting increasingly likely that I will be required to reduce my work to 4 days a week.  As if dealing with one country's fiduciary restrictions wasn't enough, the coffers haven't really been overflowing down here either.  So much so that when a maintenance contract was supposed to be signed back in October for some equipment for which I'm responsible, they said no.  [Thus risking all kinds of serious damage and a massive repair bill by not simply ponying up the money for the maintenance.]  It's now March, and the contract just went through.

Silver lining: 4 days a week will mean more time to play video games and explore the city [hopefully for free] or spend time with friends.  And if I play my cards right, we'll have saved up enough money, taxes won't be terrible to us this year, that I might even be able to use the regular 3-day weekend to our advantage and we can do some paid exploration.

Anyways, that's all I've got for the moment.  Time to spice up the road trip blog and get it ready for posting here.


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